Thursday, March 24, 2011

Acupuncture and Sunrise Breathing for Relaxation

As an asthmatic, the relaxation advice that most people give (Take deeper breaths) doesn't usually work for me.  In fact, at times, focusing on my breathing can make me even more anxious, especially when my breathing is off.  As a result, I'm always looking for alternative strategies to help me de-stress.  The past few weeks have been stressful and anxiety-provoking for me-- both personally and professionally.  Luckily, there have been two strategies that have helped me to relax by being mindful of the present moment-- acupuncture and sunrise breathing.


I've long been a fan of acupuncture-- in fact, this May will mark three and a half years since I first started.  It is incredible to me the dramatic effects that acupuncture has on my body.  As a noninvasive medical treatment, it is very satisfying to me that such positive change can come about without the use of chemicals and standard Western medications.  

In the past two weeks alone, acupuncture has done wonders for my stress level.  Last week, I entered my  appointment feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by the level of details that I had been swimming in all day (scheduling, preparing for MCAS, meetings, teachings, etc.)  Feeling bogged down by the stress of the day, I had difficulty seeing beyond it and my energy level felt both frantic and heavy at the same time.  Feeling my pulse, my acupuncturist told me that it was wiry, indicating my stress and anxiety.

By the end of my half hour treatment, I felt more centered and calm and my acupuncturist reported that my pulse felt more steady.  Upon leaving the office, I felt a new kind of energy-- lighter and more creative.  I felt happy, looking forward to the rest of the evening rather than dreading the tasks that needed to be completed that night.  As I've often said, "Acupuncture rocks!"

Sunrise Breathing

I've coined the term "Sunrise Breathing" after my friend Grace's expression, "Brownie Breathing."   This past week, the fourth and fifth graders at my school have been taking the MCAS test.  For those of you who live outside of Massachusetts, these are the big standardized tests that the students take each year in reading, math, and sometimes science, depending on the grade level.  One of the fourth graders became very anxious and Grace engaged her in "Brownie Breathing".  Rather than tell her to take deep breaths, she asked her to imagine breathing in the smell of a brownie.  (Yum!)  This particular student didn't like brownies so she pictured breathing in the wonderful scent of mint chocolate chip ice cream instead.  I loved this idea-- focusing on a smell as a way of regulating breathing and creating feelings of calmness-- rather than the breath itself.

Driving to school a few mornings ago, I realized that I was doing the same thing upon witnessing the incredible sunrise-- but instead of focusing on a smell, I was focusing on a sight.  Feeling stressed about all of the details that needed to be attended to before the students began taking their MCAS test that day, I began my drive to work feeling pretty wound up and tense.  Suddenly, halfway there, I became aware of one of the most glorious sunrises that I have ever seen.  After a night of rain, the sky appeared to still be swollen with clouds.  The moisture lingering in the air, coupled with the morning sunlight, created deep blue and purple clouds.  The sunlight that shone upon the yellow trees turned them into glowing golden branches which sharply contrasted against the colors in the sky.  

Within less than a minute, my attention was fully absorbed by driving and by my environment.  All other thoughts and feelings disappeared.  I was fully in the moment.  Feelings of calmness and serenity washed over me, coupled with an eager creative energy to grab my camera and take pictures.  Upon pulling into the school parking lot, the responsible part of my brain took over, and I reluctantly walked inside to face the day, feeling calmer than I had upon leaving my house.

Although I was not able to capture the incredible sunrise on film, throughout the day as stress and tension crept its way back into my brain, thinking of this incredible sunrise was a great antidote.  Now, some of my favorite relaxation techniques include photography, writing, acupuncture, and sunrise breathing.
To readers of my blog:  I'm always looking for new relaxation techniques to try.  I'm curious what helps you to unwind, relax, and de-stress.   I would love to hear your thoughts....


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