Sunday, July 31, 2011

Introducing a New Blog: Being Mindful of When It's Time for a Change

When I first started this blog one year ago, my goal was to write at least two blog entries a month.  I'm proud to say that throughout this year, writing two blog entries in a month was a bare minimum for me, most months exceeded this with many months at 3, some at 4, and two months were even at 6.

For the most part, I loved the theme of this blog:  Living, Teaching, and Creating Courageously.  Many blog entries gave me the opportunity to explore ideas around mindfulness, particularly through my evolving hobby of photography.

However, it was the "Teaching" part of this title that proved to be a little bit more difficult for me.  Although there were a couple blog entries throughout this year whose theme focused on teaching, these were few and far between.  Catching the blogging bug and being inspired by blogs about education that I subscribe to, I found myself wanting to write more about teaching and learning.  I was disappointed that I could not make many of these topics fit into my blog.

Jeff Utrecht describes blogs as containers, places to hold one's thoughts and reflections.  I began thinking that perhaps this blog, this container, was no longer big enough, adequate enough to hold all of the thoughts I wanted to blog about.  Starting a second blog seemed to be the way to go, but I felt stuck, with no ideas about how to start.

Fast forward to the end of the school year where for the first time, I only wrote one blog entry in the month of June.  I thought to myself-- "Once school gets out and I have more time, I'll blog more in July.  But now July has come and gone, and not a single blog entry.  I began thinking that maybe I have lost all of my inspiration for blogging.  Today marks almost two months since my last blog entry on July 5.

The most interesting thing happened earlier this week while attending the BLC 11 Conference in Boston.  This wonderful professional development opportunity, the Boston Learning Commons, was a place to learn the latest technologies and to explore issues surrounding teaching and learning in the 21st Century.

It was at the very first KeyNote address on Wednesday morning, given by Dr. Eric Mazur, that sparks were created in my mind.  Neurons began firing rapidly as ideas were formed, questions raised, and a new blog entry began writing itself in my head.  It was clear to me that I would need a new container to hold my new thoughts.

For the past five days, I've felt new inspiration flowing through me as I've been writing my introduction to my new blog and its mission statement in my head.  Thoughts have been flying through my brain at the most random times:  while driving, in the shower, taking a walk, talking to a friend, etc.

I will still continue with this blog but I am excited to now be the proud author of two blogs.  I will take a page from one of my favorite authors, J.K. Rowling, who several months ago created a website called Pottermore with the words, "Coming Soon."  I don't actually have my first blog entry written yet but I do know what it is going to be about.

So without further adieu, I'd like to introduce my new blog:

To Create a Spark:  The Musings of a Teacher

As always, Enjoy!

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