Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Outlook on Winter: Hello Sunshine!

After too much snow and ice, too many storms to remember, horrible driving conditions, and not a full week of school since the first week of January, I can officially say that I am sick of winter.  With the last two storms, not even my camera could help me find inspiration.  "It's just white, white, and more white," I kept saying.  Until today...

I woke up this morning to mild weather conditions and a little bit more warmth and sunlight, lots and lots of sunlight.  The snow that had seemed so burdensome and heavy last week suddenly began to sparkle.  I loved the the way that the sunlight made the trees glisten and patches of snow appeared to be lined with silver gems. 

Driving into the school parking lot, a snow covered field lay before me with half-buried soccer goals and trees lining the farther perimeter.  Grabbing my camera, I tried to capture the shimmering snow but unfortunately, it slipped through the lens of my camera.  What did catch my eye was the morning sunlight reflected on the ice and snow on the ground and the shadows. 

The tree branches seemed to be lined with ice but the image elusively dodged from the reach of my digital camera.  However, I did notice that the lights and shadows on the lower parts of the trees seemed to be reflected in the ice and snow of the parking lot.

It reminded me a lot of a picture that I took in a local park on Veteran's Day of trees reflecting in a puddle of water on the ground.  Thinking of this image gave me hope that sooner or later spring would come again.

Capturing these images on film today also helped me to once again see the beauty of winter.  Although I've been taking pictures of icicles for the last few weeks, they've been missing a magical feeling, due to a lack of sunlight.  The beauty of the icicles today, when illuminated by the sun.


To readers of my blog:   What do you find to be beautiful in the winter?  If you feel inspired, please leave a comment.


  1. I saw the ice covered branches in Acton driving to school and thought of you. I was thinking that you would love to see it and photograph it and as it turns out, you did!

  2. Hi! I'm a Homelands Teacher flying around the Crocodile Islands in the Northern Territory Australia, working with four indigenous communities and living on Yurrwi Island. Congratulations on your commitment and inspiration in creating your blog which I just discovered from the 'EnCOURAGEment' newsletter. I've been on study leave for six months in Europe and America studying Reggio Emilia Approach in Denmark and Intentional Communities in Scotland, Denmark and California....Attended the superb Bioneers Conference in San Raphael and know how valuable it is to sustain each other's highest practice through support and sharing the things that touch, move and inspire 'The Artist Within' many moments in every day. THANK YOU for the connectedness and your great energy in soulfully creating magic through this blog...Cheers!
