Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ying Yang: Winter's Help in Appreciating Spring

After countless dreary winter days with white gray skies and little sunlight, I was taken aback by the beautiful sunset last night.  The sun illuminated the sky and the clouds and created spectacular blues, pinks, and yellows.  Driving on the highway, my jaw dropped in awe and I realized that it had been a really long time since I had experienced a sunset like this.  Pulling into my driveway, I left my groceries in my car, ran inside to grab my camera, and quickly began taking pictures.  

I loved the wonderful colors in the sky as a backdrop for the dark silhouettes of the trees.


I also loved the striped effect of the sky behind the trees.

And another one...

The brilliant colors of the sunset against the dark buildings was also striking.

This picture reminded me of a similar picture that I had taken of a summer sunset in July.

While snapping pictures, I thought about how yesterday's sunset looked like the summer sunset-- another reminder that once again, spring would come.  And I thought to myself, "Hopefully sooner rather than later!"

I also thought that the level of my appreciation had been heightened by its contrast to the dismal, colorless sunsets of late.  In the summer I had gotten used to these types of sunsets.  In June and the beginning of July, I had eagerly grabbed my camera to take pictures and by the end of August, it didn't occur to me to take pictures anymore.  Now, it was as if I was seeing the sunset for the first time after a long, long sleep.  I started thinking about other aspects of spring that I am enthusiastically awaiting:)   I think that these happy thoughts helped to melt a little bit more snow and ice from the ground.

To readers of my blog:   What aspects of spring are you looking forward to?  I invite all readers, especially new readers to this blog, to leave a comment.  Let's create a list from multiple readers to help us get through this last month of winter.


  1. One of my favorite Irish authors, Alice Taylor, also writes poetry. I actually met her in Ireland and she was selling a book, An Irish Country Diary, in the grocery store where she worked. Each month begins with her thoughts about the seasons and some poems which I enjoy reading each year. In February, she says spring plays a game of hide and seek with us. She talks about how winter days in February can suddenly get warmer and remind us of the coming of spring.

    You soft winter day
    Shining through the cold
    You are a welcome stranger
    Bringing warmth to my bones

    Then the cold and snow returns, but she goes on to remind us that "just when we begin to find that she (spring) is gone for good and the cold winter settles over our hearts again, back she steals and takes us by surprise in an unexpected corner.

    Daffodil how good you are
    To peep above the earth
    In these barren windy days
    Yours is a joyous birth.

    It is the coming of the spring flowers peeking their heads above the earth, even if surrounded by the last of the melting snow, that I am looking forward to this year.

  2. Explorer Bear-- I love Alice Taylor's words. Thank you for posting her words on my blog. I would love to look at this book.
